Saturday, 20 June 2015

D-Day -3 Months -Technical Specifications

So after a long series of evenings gathered together in a pub and then getting too smashed to actually talk about the plan and theme and car and hotels etc. a night of concentrated effort before the alcoholic fog descended produced the following result;

Sadly, the morning after, not only does it look like it was rudely scribbled by four drunken men unable to even agree on the colour of the paper we should be drawing on (which it was), the output itself is completely indecipherable and basically worthless.
As a piece of collaborative brainstorming, it fails to deliver on every conceivable level. The creative process also exposed some very nasty personal character traits which have served to damage our close group harmony, possibly permanently. I for example, was the subject of some most unpleasant accusations about having made all the important decisions on my own, pre-meeting. It was also agreed in a secret meeting while I was taking a leak, that I was being altogether too 'Project Managery' about the whole thing. When the charges were made to my face, my immediate reaction was to counter-accuse the creative thinkers in the group of never saying anything of any use and never getting anything done, ever. This I think, now that I'm sober, was fairly offensive, particularly in light of the uncomfortable truth that I had indeed made all of the important decisions in advance.

The only points from last night that have gained a foothold in the brain cells that remain functioning this morning are that;

1/ I retain responsibility for buying the car
2/ That there was a barely contained fury from the assembled that I've done nothing about buying a car
3/ That someone, at some point, needs to buy some brown paint (the reason why, is less clear)

I must say, I'm finding the entire planning process thoroughly enjoyable at the moment!